Sunday, October 19, 2014

Confessions of a bookaholic.

Hallo meine Lieben,

happy Sunday! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Sunday is the perfect day for some excessive reading which is why I want to share some of my bookfessions with you. 

1. I absolutely judge books by their covers. 
2. I can spend hours browsing through a book store or the internet searching for more interesting books to read.
3. My to-be-read pile is huge. And I am adding more and more books. 
4. I buy books even when I still have a lot waiting to be to read. It just feels so good. Especially when you buy used books for cheap.
5. I can go crazy at book flea markets. Last time I bought 19 books in one day. And that was just because I left at that point. 
6. I am not the biggest fan of science fiction books. There are some exceptions though.
7. I hope this is me when I am old. 

8. Sometimes I try to read books as slowly as possible. I just don't want them to end. 
9. I always read several books at the same time.
10. I do not like to be interrupted when I read. 
11. I never forget a publishing date of a book I want to read. 
12. I do not like to lend my books. I make an exception when the person is another bookaholic I trust. 
13. If I will ever be a ghost I want to haunt a library. 
14. One of my bookshelves is reserved for only crime novels. 
15. I love the smell of books. 
16. I cry when animals get hurt in a book. But I do think that everybody should read "Eating Animals" by Jonathan Safran Foer. 
17. The characters in the movies almost never look like I imagine them when I read the book. 
18. You can never have too many books.
19. Books are my friends. 
20. Looking at my books make me happy.

Are you a bookaholic? Do you have any bookfessions to make?
Have a fantastic week!


  1. Haha i absolutely LOVE this post almost everypoint applies to me ESPECIALLY the over buying bookaholic problem. Much love xx A

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, that is really sweet. I am glad you like it! And glad you agree on so many things! :)

  2. Oh my, how do you read several books at the same time?? LIke you I have a HUGE pile of books to read. I have been waiting for a lovely holiday so that I can read them on the beach. Not likely to happen anytime soon. I'm so resentful that I don't have time to read the way I want to - you know to devour it, rather than fitting in a chapter as and when I have a moment. So glad you don't like lending out your books. Neither do I, but now I know you do, I don't feel so horrible about it !!!!

    1. I guess I am too patient and need to start the books immediately which is why I end up reading several books at the same time. I don't know. I guess I am a mess. I am glad I am not the only one with a huge pile of books waiting to be read! I absolutely know what I mean, I never find enough time to read all the books I want which is why I try to take all the time I can get. I read when I dry my hair for example. I am glad you do not like lending out books either. I always feel a little bad about it. :)

  3. Hi Katrin

    Nice post! I agree with you on many points! I hate lending my books too esp. to people who can easily buy them and/or to those who borrow just for fun and have no serious intentions to read that book..this is so annoying.

    Can't agree more on the last point !!

    1. Thank you, Ankita! I am glad you agree on so many things! I am glad you do not like lending out your books either. It makes me feel a bit bad sometimes but I made that mistake before and never got them back or they were damaged etc. Annoying!

  4. I love crime novels as well - it's my favorite genre for sure. A good mystery is my cup of tea! I love books in general. We have a little book store in the town I love in and it's so refreshing to step in there :)

    1. I am glad you like crime novels so much! They really are the best! I cannot get enough! That book store sounds lovely! I like these little book stores so much. I love to spend hours in there!

  5. There's times when I'm a bookaholic, but right now it's not one of them.. :D

    1. I guess sometimes there is just not enough time for books!

  6. I'm so like you
    in so many ways when it comes to books.
    I don't think I can live in a world without books.

    1. I am glad we agree on so many things. :) A world without books would be really sad.

  7. I totally judge books by their covers too! It's so silly! :-)

  8. I'm definitely a bookaholic! I can think of nothing better than spending a day with nothing to do so I can bury myself in a book for hours :)

    1. It is definitely one of the best things to do! My favorite way to spend a Sunday! Glad we're both bookaholics!

  9. Haha, I think you will be like the ladies in that photo :)

    I can't think of any fun book-fessions. I think the books I have been reading recently are a little too serious!

    1. Hopefully I will! It would be so much fun! Just need to add some animals to that picture!

  10. I love the musty smell of used/old books and love to poke around used book stores. I do like a good science fiction story to get lost in every once in a while!

    1. The smell of old books is great! There even is a perfume that smells like books, how cool is that!? I think I need to find some good science fiction books. :)

  11. Haha, I also judge books by their covers including ‘special’ plates or mugs, they need colors and/or kitty images on it. I know what you mean by reading books as slowly as possible, it’s hard to see it end and I wish stories can go forever with endless plots! I get super sensitive when an animal is injured in a book but much worse when it comes to films. It is like having the worst hangover after watching a film and someone asked if someone died? I’m a digital bookaholic, I love downloading books on my Kindle and iPad, but I need to catch up with reading! I’ve been busy in the kitchen and beyond lately…

    1. Haha, I agree on the kitty images! :) I never pick up books in the store that do not look good. I am sure I am missing some good books that way but they should just have a nice cover! Some books really should never end. I am waiting for over a year for the new Adler-Olsen book! Oh I agree, it is much worse in movies. I immediately stop watching! I cannot see animals getting hurt. I guess I have seen too much. It always makes me cry! I know what you mean, I have so many books on my iPad!!

  12. #1 - that's me too. I even sometimes wait for better covers to come out before getting a particular book.

    #2 - yeah, me too, but you know now book stores carries more than books and so I usually end up with more than a book

    #3 & 4 - I keep agreeing but it's true - I keep getting interest in new books and buying them but somehow never get around to reading them.

    #8 - not quite me, I usually like getting to the end faster and I re-read the book if I really like it.

    #9- yep, me too but only because I seem to lose interest and so I move on to the next book

    #20 - yep, I think owning books, especially beautiful bound books, is a happy thing and I even re-arrange them sometimes just for fun

    I guess I'm not quite a bookaholic but I think I'm 75% there. have a great day.

    1. #1 I guess I would have never picked up some books if I would have seen the ugly cover first.

      #3#4. I have a huge pile of books to read but I am very determined to read them all. :)

      #8. I re-read books to but when I know that I have to wait a year for a new book of that writer then I try to take it slowly.

      #20. I agree, I do that too!

      I think you are definitely a bookaholic! :)


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