Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A corgi pillow, bookworm happiness and baking fails. {Ten On Tuesday}

Hallo meine Lieben,

happy Tuesday! It is time to link up with the lovely Alyssa again so here we go.

1. I want to eat brussel sprouts every single day. I think it is getting a bit weird. But what will you do...

2. I am in desperate need of this corgi pillow. I love corgis so much and when I can't adopt one right now then at least I need a corgi pillow. 

3. I made a cake on Saturday which looks pretty ugly because it got stuck in the pan but it tastes pretty great. I did not really have a recipe, I just added various kinds of things like peaches, coconut, chocolate and caramel syrup. 

Ugly cake.

4. I made another cake today (with chocolate and cherries) and the same thing happened. But worse. I think I need to blame it on the pan. It can't be me.

5. What is your all time favorite book which I need to read? The thing is that I already have more books on my reading list than I will ever be able to read but  I do love to discover new ones. I just can't help myself.

6. I need more book recommendations because....

7. ...which is why I will probably need something like this. In every single room. 

8. I can't even put into words how much I adore quokkas. They almost look unreal because of all the cuteness. 

9. Did you know that millions of kangaroos are slaughtered in Australia every year to make soccer shoes? They slaughter the mother and leave the baby to die in the pouch. I honestly did not know. But you can read all you need to know on GirlieGirlArmy. And you can sign a petition against the kangaroo slaughter here. Thank you!

10. I am currently reading a German crime novel and I think it's a first. It is pretty exciting. I might read more German crime. 

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I love brussel sprouts and could eat them every single day as well! That corgi pillow is to die for! Happy Tuesday xxx

    1. Glad I am not the only one who loves brussel sprouts so much. Will probably have them again tonight! I think I really need that pillow! Have a great day! Hugs!

  2. Eating brussel sprouts every day probably isn't a bad thing, they are really healthy!

    I am finally reading again, and I am going through my entire reading list before I pic up something new...good way to save money :)

    1. Haha yeah, I guess you are right. It could be worse than that!

      I am glad you finally find some time to read again! Hope you can read all the books on your list!

  3. Jarrod REALLY wants a corgi, but we just aren't ready for a dog. Even though that's crazy expensive for a pillow, I might get it for him.

    1. Let me know if you get it and what he thinks of it! I am sure he would love it! Corgis are fantastic! I wish I could adopt one!

  4. that corgi pillow is the cutest thing ever!

  5. 2. Adorable!
    3. I've never baked a cake so you're a step ahead of me!
    5. Favorite of all time? That's a toughy. It's cheesy but I've always enjoyed Danielle Steel. My favorite by her is probably Crossings or Granny Dan. She paints such great pictures!
    7. Swoon.
    9. Signed.
    Thank you SO much for linking up each week!

    1. I am sure your cakes would look a lot better than mine. But the main thing is that they taste good!
      I never read Danielle Steel, I have to check out the books, thanks so much!
      And thank you for signing the petition, you are fantastic, Alyssa!

  6. #1 - I see nothing wrong with that. if it's a favorite, why not?

    #2 - I like want one too!

    #3 - doesn't look so bad to me - at least it still tastes good - that's the important thing.

    #4 - I don't know cooking since I can't cook but I imagine that you should use some sort of unstick oil or one of those don't-stick-to-pan spray?

    #5 - my favorite book is "postcards from a dead girl by Kirk Farber" - very funny book and a quick read and also I recently read 'Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell' - a new favorite - it's consider a kid's book but it's so great plus the girl in it loves books and even uses them as plates instead of dishes - I highly recommend reading those two.

    #6 -love that quote

    hope you're having a good week.

    1. Yeah you are right. It could be worse than brussel sprouts!

      The main thing is that the cake tastes good. I agree. I just wanted to give one to a friend but it looked so horrible!

      Yeah, I used some oil and butter but the cake still got stuck. :(

      Those books sound fantastic, thank you so much for the recommendations! Will check them out!

      Have a great day!

  7. Ich finde solche Silikonbackformen wirklich gut, wenn man Probleme mit den Kuchen hat. Da bleibt nichts mehr kleben!

    1. Das ist eine tolle Idee, ich muss muss mal eine besorgen und das ausprobieren! Danke fuer den Tipp!

  8. I haven't had brussel sprouts in a long time - my mom used to make those with a delicious sauce. I love that pillow! I think that cake looks awesome - you can see the yummy ingredients. And chocolate cherry cake sound like heaven to me :)
    I loved the Robin Cook medical thrillers...but not the newer ones. I loved the first ones he wrote - really really good. I want every room to be a library, too :)
    That quokka is sooo cute, it makes me want to cuddle it :D
    What??? Kangaroo mothers for soccer shoes?? Seriously? That is unbelievable :(
    I hope you're having a wonderful week, sweet Katrin.
    Ich drück Dich sooooooo dolle! :)

    1. What moms cook is usually the best! :) I miss my mom's cooking!
      The cherry and chocolate cake was really delicious. Looked horrible but I guess that is okay.
      I have never read those books but medical thriller sounds fantastic! I will check the older ones out! Thanks so much for the recommendation!
      Quokkas are adorable! And yes, shoes made of kangaroo! :(
      Have a fantastic day, meine Liebe! Ich drueck Dich!

  9. That pillow is so cute. My girls love pillow pets and if it was up to them they would have one of each! And those book shelves - awesome! :)

    1. Haha I completely understand, I would love to have all kinds of animal pillows as well! :)

  10. i'm with you in the book department. do you know the Rosehill cottage from The Holiday movie?? that little pretty house in the english countryside? i NEED that home. full of books.

    1. Oh yes, I know that cottage! It is one of my most favorite homes ever! I would love to live there too!

  11. I love that Corgi pillow! And all the books....ahhhh, what a home to live in! There are just too many books and not enough time.

    I bet your cakes taste awesome, even if they stuck to the pan!

    Quokkas do look unreal! They sure are cute.

    I hope Nike will listen to all of the petitioners and stop killing the kangaroos! No animal should die for their skin. It's so sad :_(

    1. I would love to live in a place surrounded by books and animals. That would be paradise for me!

      The cake really tasted good. Both of them. :) I just wanted to give one of them to a friend but it looked way too bad. :)

      Quokkas are so fantastic, I am in love!

      I really hope the petition can change something, that is so horrible!

  12. Hi, Katrin! How are you? Any plans for the weekend? ;) My, oh, my, that pillow is just wonderful! :p And I'd never heard of quokkas, they're so adorable!!!

    #9 makes me so sad. I had no idea.

    And book-wise, let me tell you that I'm very happily reading the Geography of Bliss, thank you again for the recommendation! ;D I'm currently reading about Bhutan, so interesting! And I'd totally recommend you to read Room, which is the most current fiction book I read; it's really hard to put down till you get to very last page, hehe.

    Tight hugs and happy weekend! :P

    1. Hey Miki! I am doing fine, thank you! My weekend is pretty relaxed, that is what I needed! How are you doing?

      That pillow is so perfect. I really feel like I need one, so cute! And I did not know about quokkas before either. I read about them a couple of weeks ago and fell in love!

      I am glad you like the book so much, Miki! :) I enjoy reading about travels! Room is on my reading list for a while now, I really need to check it out! I am sure I will love it as well! Thank you!

      Have a great Sunday, Miki! Hugs!

  13. You always find the cutest things! That corgi pillow is so cute, I can barely handle it!

    1. I thought you would like it too :) I really want to get one!


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