Sunday, March 16, 2014

Thought provoking questions #2 - #7.

Hallo meine Lieben,

my fantastic friend Martha started to answer the 365 thought provoking questions to ask yourself and I decided to do the same because Martha always inspires me. 

So here we go. 

(This has nothing to do with the post, I just liked it.)

#2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?

I try not to compare myself to anybody but that does not always work out very well. There are always people who can do something better than you, look better, know something that you don't....things like that. It does not make sense to compare yourself to these people because you can't be best at everything. I am aware of that but sometimes it is really hard not to compare myself to others. 

#3. What’s the most sensible thing you've ever heard someone say?

It always makes me feel horrible to know that there are so many people and animals suffering in this world. I know I can't help all of them but every little thing you do counts. 

#4. What gets you excited about life?

All the goals I have in my life. Helping and being with animals. Books. 

#5. What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

That being related does not mean that you are family and can count on these people. That relatives can come from hell to make your life terrible. 

#6. What do you wish you spent more time doing five years ago?

Use time more wisely. 

#7. Do you ask enough questions or do you settle for what you know?

That depends. When I want to learn something about a specific topic then I ask many questions. When I talk to others then I wait for them to tell me something. I always feel like if people want to tell me something then they will. If they don't tell me then they have a reason not to. So I don't pressure people to tell me things. 

Happy weekend!


  1. Sometimes family is what you make yourself, in an ideal world everyone would be lovely and nice to each other, but it doesn't always work out that way.

    1. Yeah, it really does not. But luckily you can choose your friends!

  2. I really do like that quote about friendship - I have very FEW friends like that but I cherish the ones that I do have

    1. Yeah, I do so too! I know that I can always count on them and that means a lot! It is a great quote!

  3. I love that friendship quote. To me, that perfectly captures what true friendship is supposed to be. Believing in that person even during the time that they don't believe in themselves. As far as comparing ourselves to others, I don't compare myself to other people but I do sometimes compare myself to what I want to be. I guess that can be good and bad. And your answer to #5 is a great point. Sometimes people who are not related to us are our true family, if that makes sense. What a great post. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

    1. Yeah, I agree. The quote really makes sense. I always try to be there for my friends no matter what. And I know that they are there for me too!
      I agree, I compare myself to what I want to be too. You said it much better than I ever could. :) It is definitely good and bad!
      I am glad I can choose my friends even when I can't choose all my relatives!
      Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  4. I really like that first quote!!!

  5. I love that horse picture--even animals understand this concept!

    Books definitely excite me, too.

    I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with relatives! People who say things like "Blood is thicker than water" just kill me, because I've so often found that to NOT be the case!

    1. Yeah, animals really seem to understand the concept, unlike a lot of humans!

      Books are the best!

      Thank you, Martha! I have some pretty horrible relatives but I am glad I have nothing to do with them anymore. Blood is definitely not thicker than water. For some people money is the only important thing I guess.

  6. Clever answer to question #1! ;) And same thing here about #5 :/.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week, Katrin!

    1. Thank you so much, Miki! :) I hope you are having a great week! Hugs!

  7. I try not to compare myself to others either. You're fighting a losing battle if you do that.

    1. Yeah, you are so right, Sarah! There is no need to do it!

  8. I love that quote, too. Sadly, not too many people value those things.Not wanting to compare myself to others is one of the reasons why I de-activated Facebook. I tend to do it way too often, especially when I have those times that I don't feel too good about myself anyway. I try not to, but it happens. Helping a single soul already means the world, so doing what we can do is always a big deal, because if we all do that we'll make the world a better place :)
    I love this entire post! You are such an amazing, wonderful, loving person, Katrin. I'm very blessed to call you my friend.
    I know exactly what you mean about family being relatives but not really family. Hard and painful lesson to learn.
    Ich drücke Dich noch Mal super feste, liebe Katrin. Danke für diesen tollen, inspirierenden Post! :)

    1. Yeah you are right, a lot of people don't value it. It is pretty sad.
      Facebook can be really annoying. I still have my account but I never use it, I only check when I get a message but that's it. I can understand that you de-activated it. I thought about it too.
      Thank you so much for your kind words, Beate! You are such a wonderful person! Happy to be your friend!
      Sorry that you have stupid relatives as well!
      Ich drueck Dich ganz ganz dolle und hoffe Du hast eine gute Woche! <3

  9. i've learnt that about family too. sometimes people who don't have blood connection to us are the people that we can always rely on to.

    1. You are so right. Sorry that you have stupid relatives too. My friends mean so much more to me than these stupid people!

  10. #3... YES YES YES! I believe with this 100%! I know that I can't save the world, but I can make a difference in a few lives and at least that's something :)

    1. Yeah, you are so right! I am glad you agree on it!


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