Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ten On Tuesday! The mystery of American ball games and Sesame Street.

Hallo meine Lieben,

it's Tuesday! And I am linking up with my favorite Lin from Linny's Vault for some more Ten On Tuesday! I hope you are all doing great!

1. Coconut and pineapple tea tastes pretty awesome. Especially with lots of sugar in it. I also found some cherry and marzipan tea. Tea is awesome. 

2. I started watching "Terriers" which is a pretty cool show but every time I see Michael Raymond-James I have to think about Rene from True Blood. I know he doesn't want to kill people who like vampires in Terriers but it is still confusing. 


3. The Mentalist is also a pretty cool show. Unfortunately David is not really a fan of crime shows, he is very picky about it. He doesn't want to watch Castle or The Mentalist and I think he is missing something. 

4. My goal for the American football season is to finally understand and learn the rules. I am totally lost. 
Go Browns!


5. At some point in my life I want to learn how Baseball works. It is a mystery. 

6. At least I know what "Abseits" (offside) is. Fußball rocks. 

7. I am currently reading a lot of Icelandic crime novels and there will be a new book by Arnaldur Indridason soon. I am excited. And a new Nesser. Woohoo. 


8. I really need to find some more time to paint. And to do some more DIY things. It is so much fun and so relaxing. 

9. One time I forgot my wallet on the roof of my car after grocery shopping and drove home. That was stupid. I always check now if I forgot something there. I am too confused for this world. 


10. The American Sesame street and the German Sesamstraße have different characters and I don't know why. There is no Samson or Tiffy in America. Which is totally stupid because I named my bunny after the pink bird. 


Have a lovely Tuesday!


  1. Oh no, did you get your wallet back? Or was it lost?
    I know, I love Tiffy - so many great childhood memories! Oh, and I love The Mentalist! xxx

    1. Yeah, I got it back! I searched for it and was really desperate but after an hour and old man called me and told me that he found my wallet in front of his house. Yay!
      Tiffy is awesome! :)Hugs!

  2. i've tried to enjoy american football but i just can't!

    i think David is really missing something for not watching the Mentalist. and i know what offside is. football rocks! i watched the playoff game for World Cup 2014 in Brazil couple of days ago.

    1. I like American Football a lot but I guess I would enjoy it even more if I would understand the rules!

      He is definitely missing something but he doesn't believe me!
      And yay, Germany won both qualification games so far! :)

    2. High-five for Germany!

      i played baseball in elementary school. but watching it now confusing me a bit. haha

    3. Yay!
      I am not sure if I will ever understand Baseball! :)

  3. I'm an American and I don't understand American football either. My Dad is a Packer fan, and he tried to explain it to me and after 5 minutes, I just lose interest.

    And I have an Icelandic crime novel to read! I can't remember the name of the author or the title, but it's about witches/the occult and how when there were witch hunts in Iceland, they targeted men. Sounds interesting, but I already have too many books to read!

    1. Haha, that's funny and makes me feel a lot better! :)

      Oh wow, that sounds so interesting! How is the book called? I want to check it out!

  4. I don't really understand any ball games..a little football but that's it!

    I have to say American Sesame street is the original, so I go with those characters, however I do wonder why they changed them. We also have different ones in Holland. I know Sesame street is a bit controversial (Bert & Ernie being a couple, they had an HIV+ character) so maybe its related to that.

    1. Baseball and American Football seem to be very complicated!

      Yeah, I know it is controversial but I really don't understand all the discussions. So stupid. I like Samson and Tiffy and it is sad that they are only German-famous.

  5. You can totally learn how American football works - just make sure you have a patient teacher!

    1. David is doing his best and I am sure I will be able to learn it some day. There are just so many rules!

  6. This post cracks me up! You have a lot of very interesting interests! I want to start reading Icelandic novels. How cool!!!

    1. You are sooooo sweet, Chelsea! :) And you definitely should! They are so amazing!

  7. I can total relate to your leaving your wallet on the roof of your car. Once when I was grocery shopping I left my purse in the shopping cart in the parking lot. I realized it when I was driving home. Luckily, a store employee found it and turned it in to the manager.

    Is Samson the lion? He's so cute! We should have him here.

    1. Oh, great that you got it back! Stupid things like that happen to me all the time. It is really bad.

      That is Samson: http://muppet.wikia.com/wiki/File:Samson_Sesamstra%C3%9Fe.png I guess it is a bear. I love him.

  8. I can help ya with basebsll :) maybe you could teach me about something native to Germany and we could do a guest post for each other about the experience :)

  9. that's so weird that the characters are different! and i can help you with baseball and football. but both of my explanations involve eating a lot of food :)

    1. Yeah, I really don't know why that is. I love eating a lot of food so you definitely have to help me. You are so sweet! :)

  10. 1. Yum, that sounds pretty good.
    2. There's something so attractive about him. Which is strange cause I never thought he was good looking on True Blood.
    4. I was a cheerleader in HS & I still dont know what goes on in that game. Im more of a baseball fan.
    5. Yes! Love it.
    7. Are they written in English or translated? I'm always curious about the awesome crime books you read.
    9. Haha, oh no! The only thing I've ever left on the roof of my car is a soda :/

    Thanks for linking up!

    1. It is so funny that you were a cheerleader and don't know the rules. That makes me feel so much better. I never cared for Football until I met David so I guess I am fine!
      You get most of the books in English. I can send you some links!

  11. I love tea as well, and I was happy to read the "Especially with lots of sugar in it" I always feel guilty when I reach for the sugar for my tea! You read the most interesting books!

    1. Haha, don't feel guilty, Vanisha! You are not the only one! :))


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