Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Confessions! The smell of books & salad dressing that tastes like vanilla.

Hallo meine Lieben,

Confession # 1.

I love the smell of books. If there would be a perfume that smells like books I would totally buy it. 

Confession # 2.

I wore a warm coat, boots and two sweaters today when I went out and I even had my gloves in my purse. I saw a man wearing shorts, a woman wearing sandals and a couple of people with t-shirts. I might be weird. But I was freezing cold. 

Confession # 3.

Theodora Rose Williams is a pretty awesome name for a baby. I still hope that Robbie will go on tour soon. 

Confession # 4.

I want a lip balm that smells like ginger ale. 

Confession # 5.

Yesterday I used vanilla soy yogurt for me usual salad dressing instead of plain yogurt. It was surprisingly delicious.

What do you have to confess? Have a lovely Sunday!


  1. Ich schnüffel auch gerne an Büchern ;) Und es gibt tatsächlich Bücher-Parfüm :D

    1. Das ist ja der Wahnsinn! Danke für den Link! :)) Da muss ich unbedingt mal dran schnuppern! Hätte nie gedacht dass es das wirklich gibt!

  2. Love the scent of books as well, walking into a library is the best! And I totally love ginger ale!
    Hope you had a wonderful week and thanks again for all your encouraging words throughout my super busy and tough week!
    Love ya xxx

    1. I could spend hours in libraries, it is just so fascinating!
      You are very welcome, dear! Dafür sind Freunde da! :)
      Have a wonderful week! Love ya too! Hugs!

  3. Oh I so love the smell of books. mostly old library books though. It always reminds me of the school libraby in the states.....I loved that library.

    Theodora alone is such an awesome name....and cute!

    1. Yeah, I can imagine! There are so many cool old libraries that I want to visit! And have my own for sure! :)

      The combination of both names is really cute!

  4. Vielen Dank für deinen so lieben Kommentar. Ich bin auch sehr erleichtert.
    Wie kalt/warm ist es denn dort, wo du wohnst gerade? Ich habe auch schon Amerikaner gesehen, die in Shorts draußen rumliefen, als noch Schnee lag. ..

    1. Aber gerne doch, Liebes! :)
      In Ohio ist das Wetter im Großen und ganzen wie in Deutschland. Im Moment ist es noch nicht wirklich kalt, aber für mich reichts! :)
      Ich bin das erste Mal im Februar nach Amerika und da kamen mir im Flughafen lauter Leute in Flip Flops entgegen. Ich hab die Welt nicht mehr verstanden....:)

  5. I like the smell of libraries and books :)

    I also like Robbie Williams, I have quite a few of his songs on my gym playlist!

    1. Yeah, he is a great entertainer. I have been to 3 of his concerts and it was sooo great! Love the songs!

  6. Books smell so good. The other day we went to Barnes & Nobles and actually walked around, randomly picking up books & taking a whiff of the books. I got a couple of strange looks but whatever.

    1. Haha, you are so adorable! Love it! I do the same and don't care what people think!

  7. Love the smell of books as well! You should know there is indeed a perfume that smells like books! In fact there are two that I know of! Demeter makes one called Paperback, and Karl Lagerfeld had a hand in designing one called Paper Passion. You should be able to find both on Amazon! :)

    1. I really did not know about that! That is so cool! I will definitely look for them! Thank you sooo much, dear!

  8. Found you something!

    1. Oh WOW!!! You are awesome! I must have that! Thank you so much, you absolutely made my day, dear! :)))

  9. Hi, Katrin! How have you been? Oh, my, I am now craving Ginger Ale really bad, haha; it's been ages since I last had a glass!

    Happy first of October! Hope you're having a lot of fun! :P


    1. I love Ginger Ale! I even have a recipe to make my own but that's so much work. Haha.
      I hope you are doing great, sweetie!

  10. Yum! I'm going to try the yogurt! That sounds both delicious and healthy! You are the best!

    1. You are the best! :))
      And the yogurt is really awesome, I hope you'll like it too!

  11. Oooh, that yogurt sounds good! And I also love the smell of books.

    Thanks for linking up!

  12. The smell of books is the best! I practically swoon when I walk into a library!
    Have a great week Katrin :)

    1. Haha yeah. Me too!
      Have a lovely week, sweetie!

  13. Hi, Katrin! Just wanted to say hi again and see what you were up to ;). Hope you're having a great day! ;D

    1. Hey Miki,
      so nice to hear from you! I am doing fine, I just feel like an old lady today because my back hurts! haha.
      I hope you are doing great, lovely! Hugs!


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