Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ten On Tuesday. Tag der deutschen Einheit, card games, Dr. Sloan and my super kitty!

Hallo meine Lieben,

time to link up with my favorite lovely Lin from Linny's Vault! Thank you Lin for being so awesome!

1. To all the Germans: Happy Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Day of German Unity) tomorrow! I hope you will all have a wonderful holiday!

2. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy? I know that Eric Dane wanted to leave the show but this was really weird. Wasn't he fine at the end of the season 8 finale? I mean, he did not get hurt that badly. But then he is in a coma at the first episode of season 9 and they have to let him die because he has a living will that says that they have to shut down the machines after three days? Weird. 
3. Eric Dane sues Billy Corgan? Just be nice and talk to each other. That's what friendly neighbors do.

4. I am cold. But that's nothing new. 

5. I discovered a great card game. It is called "Phase Ten". Playing cards is awesome but I am definitely the worst Poker player ever because you can always see if I have good or bad cards. 
6. My husband rocks. 

7. Maybe they should choose a real German to play a German in How I Met Your Mother. A person with a German accent who actually knows some German words. To make it sound believable. Just a suggestion, Klaus.


8. I found a book about cats called "A day with Tiger" at the flea market. I had to buy it because my cat's name is Tiger and he looks like the cat on the cover. Pretty awesome. 

9. I have so many shows I want to catch up with! I guess I need to watch TV for 24 hours straight. 

10. You are the best (blog-) friends ever! Thank you! Dankeschön!

Have a lovely Tuesday!


  1. Klaus hat wirklichen Schmarrn erzählt xD Was war's noch einmal...ah ja.... "lebenslanger Schicksalsschatz" Wo zum Kuckuck haben die den Begriff ausgegraben xD
    Das Buch hört sich cool an ;)

    1. Ja, so ein Schmarrn! Die hätten einfach nen echten Deutschen für die Rolle nehmen sollen. David hat mich gefragt, ob das Wort wirklich existiert. Die müssten ja eigentlich wissen, dass auch Deutsche die Serie gucken! :)
      Ja, das Buch ist supi!

  2. I think they cast him more for comedy than anything. I don't like Victoria though, so hopefully he won't be on there long.

    1. But I am sure they can find a German comedian! :) I don't like Victoria either!

  3. I was also so confused with the Grey's Anatomy premiere.... what the heck? I think this season is going to go downhill fast.....

    I'm leaving for Germany tomorrow Katrin, thanks again for all your suggestions! ~Stephanie

    1. Yeah, that was really stupid! We will see what happens next!

      You are very welcome, dear! I hope you will have an amazing time!

  4. Katrin
    You are a lovely, funny sweet woman - and so fully of empathy.
    My partner and I (both 30 plus ladies) however are concerned about you being so cold so frequently.
    Please look after yourself and at least put on a cardigan ...or two !

    1. I always wear lots of layers, don't worry! :)

  5. I hated the Grey's premiere!!!!!!!! I already thought that plane crash was dumb but then the premiere just made it worse. I almost didn't finish watching it. Bummer!

    1. I hate the fact that Derek has problems with his hand now and can't operate! I mean, they already had that before with Dr. Burke. So stupid!

  6. 2. I thought it was a bit strange too but my MIL (whos an RN) said they have to abide by those wills :/
    3. Really? Wow. Like Eric Dane doesn't already have enough money.
    5. I suck at card games.
    6. Yeah, he looks pretty awesome.
    7. Word.
    9. As crappy as my neck pain is, it got me to stay home from work today & catch up on ALL my dozen dvr'd shows.
    10. You're pretty great too! And, you're most welcome.

    Thanks for linking up again!

    1. GA will definitely be stupid without Dr. Sloan and Lexie!
      And yeah, he definitely has enough money but it seems like he needs more!
      I suck at card games too but it is fun playing! :)
      #6. :)) He really is!
      I need to catch up with my shows too!
      #10: Aww, you are soooo sweet! :)

  7. 1. I'm curious! What is this day about?
    5. I'm no good at that game but it's still fun to play!
    8. That's so cool! I love the kitties!

    1. 1. Germany was separated into two parts, East and West Germany. And every October 3 we celebrate the reunion of Germany!
      5. The game is awesome!
      8. The kitties are great, thank you!

  8. 2. He collapsed or something right at the very end of the finale. I still thought the whole episode with the coma and the flashbacks was lame though.
    7. I hate that! I feel the same every time I see an American playing someone from Ireland and they have the WORST accent! I'm sure there are plenty of decent actors in Germany or Ireland that would be more than happy for the role.

    1. 2. Ah, I did not remember the collapse! I just remembered that he was perfectly fine when he found Lexie! I really hope the show will get better!
      7. Yeah, I am sure that sucks too! I just don't understand it!

  9. Danke, Süße. Dir auch einen schönen Tag, wenn auch keinen Feiertag ;) Aber bei euch steht ja schon Columbus Day direkt vor der Tür.

  10. Definitely enjoy this German holiday catching up on TV shows - I am so behind! And Grey's made my cry. The cast has officially changed too much

    1. I need to catch up on TV shows too. I am far behind! I want Dr. Sloan and Lexie back! They should have killed off Meredith!

  11. I LOVE Phase 10! So glad that you discovered such an awesome game!!!

    1. It is awesome! I never heard about it before!

  12. Agree on McSteamy!! I am so curious to see what happens Thursday! I thought they were going to skip all that!

    And I LOVE Phase 10!! Tons of fun!!

    1. Yeah, I really hope the show will get better again!
      I am so glad I discovered that game! :)

  13. Happy holiday, Katrin!

    That card game looks like Uno, have you ever played Uno? It doesn't exist in Argentina.

    And I know, How I Met Your Mother seems to get all the nationalities wrong, haha! There's an episode where Robin goes to Argentina and they made it look all extreme! It was cra-cra, there was raw beef on the table and it just looked like a mix between Jamaica and who knows what primitive country, it was infuriating, really.

    Hugs to you and all your pets! :D

    1. Thank you, dear Miki!

      Oh I love Uno! :) But I lose every single game. I am terrible at it but it is still fun. I never have any luck with card games.

      Haha, I remember the Argentina episodes! Enrique Iglesias was Robin's boyfriend, right? I can imagine how terrible it was for you!

      Hugs to you and Dante & Dimitri!

  14. ich liiiiiiiiebe phase 10. wir haben mit dem spiel schon etliche naechte durchgezockt!

    1. Ich bin echt froh, dass ich das Spiel entdeckt hab!

  15. Your the best blog friend ever too!!!

  16. I used to watch Grey's Anatomy in the first couple seasons but haven't lately. Aw Phase 10! I used to play that with my Grandma P.

    1. I had to catch up with it too!
      That's awesome! I love that game. And playing cards with grandmas is great!


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