Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday Randoms. Fußball, dresses and water preferences.

Hallo meine Lieben,

hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day weekend! 

Some random thoughts.

1. Today I feel like spending the day on the couch with a good book and a cup of tea. I feel like doing this every day but today it is an extra strong feeling. I want to wear my Care Bear pants all day and be lazy.

2. I am in love with this dress from Vaute Couture. It has bears on it. As you may know, I love anything with an animal printed on it. 

3. Today is the final game of the UEFA Champions League. That's a soccer (Fußball) tournament. And for the first time ever two German teams will play in this final game which makes my German Fußball heart a little proud. 

4. Sparkling water is so much better than still water. That's a thing I don't get about America. You get still water everywhere but no sparkling water.

5. I finally bought the second Stieg Larsson book a couple of days before. So I will be busy reading the next couple of days.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. That is interesting about sparkling water... I'm a still water kind of girl, but I do notice the lack of sparkling around. :)

    1. I don't understand why that is. Maybe I am the only one who wants to drink it!

  2. Vielleicht musst du dir einen mobilen Wasser Max besorgen um immer "sparkling" water zu haben ;)

    1. Haha, das ist ne super Idee! :) Die Leute denken dann zwar ich bin bekloppt, aber wenn ich sprakling water bekomme, ist es mir das wert! :)

  3. I was on a plane during the game, so sad I missed it!! It would have been so exciting to be there watching.

    1. Oh no, sorry you missed it! It was really exciting!

  4. That dress is awesome! Those books are intense but they're pretty good.

  5. Sweet Katrin, I miss talking to you. I'm all buried in school stuff at the moment. But now I get to read your latest posts :)
    Yes, I want a nice cup of tea and a good book, too. It's been raining hard here these past days which makes me want to cuddle up under a blanket even more.
    Beautiful dress! I'm sure you'd look lovely in it.
    I like still water a bit better than sparkling...first thing we don't have in common!? ;)
    Ich drücke Dich gaaaaaanz fest!

    1. I've missed talking to you too, Beate! Sorry that you are so busy right now. I totally understand!
      When it rains the best thing you can do is to spend some time on the couch with a good book!
      Haha, looks like there are some things we don't have in common! :)
      Ich drück Dich ganz dolle!

  6. Love that dress - it's gorgeous! And Fußball, yeah, not so much my thing. I do like still water, but a bit sparkle is much better! xxx

    1. I need my sparkle! :) I would love to get that dress but unfortunately it is pretty expensive...Hugs!

  7. Pretty cool about the UEFA Cup, huh? Die Nationalmannschaft is playing a game here in Boca in a few days and I'm so mad we can't go. By the time we found out about it most of the tickets were gone and the ones available are kinda pricey, plus Ticketmaster charges all these extra fees. :( I also agree about the sparkling water. We finally got a soda stream a while back because we were going through so much of it. Wuensche dir eine gute Woche!

    1. They will play in your town? That is so cool! Maybe you will see some players! That would be awesome. But stupid that the tickets were so pricey!
      I need a soda stream too!
      Hab ne tolle Woche!

  8. Awe, that dress is so perfect! Love it! A little pricy, maybe, but probably totally worth its price. I just spent a few bucks on a jumpsuit, which will probably look like shit on me, but I couldn't help it! :/ I had a coupon code and free shipping; that always tempts me too much, hehe.

    And thank you! Why does America not offer sparkling water everywhere?! I find that weird, too.

    Hope you had a wonderful long weekend and you have a more awesome week! :D

    Tight hugs, Katrin!

    1. It is really cute but yeah, pretty expensive. I wish it would not be that expensive. I am sure it is worth it but I won't buy it. And I am sure the jumpsuit will look great on you!

      I am glad I am not the only one who thinks it is weird!

      Have a great week! Love&hugs!

  9. I've never been a huge sparkling water fan unless it's mixed with juice - other wise it just gives me the hiccoughs.

    1. Haha, that's funny. :) I guess I am used to it, I always drank it growing up.

  10. Just lovely! =)
    personal style and fashion musings of a LA fashion lawyer living life in the fab lane!

  11. Nothing beats curling up on the couch with a good book. It is my guilty pleasure :)

  12. I have come to enjoy the sparkling water. Especially as I'm now trying to avoid drinking so much Coca-cola, I like to buy bottles of sparkling water and add caffeinated Crystal Light to it to trick myself.

    1. That's a good idea! :) I am trying to drink as much water and tea as I can but still water is just not my thing!

    2. I like still water if I'm working out and that's about the only time I drink water by itself. If you can't find sparkling water, you can still use the crystal light packets (or other brands) to make it taste more like a juice than water.

    3. I need to check them out! I have never heard about that stuff! Thank you, Amanda!

    4. You're welcome. You can usually find them in the aisle with drink mixes like Kool Aid and Country Time Lemonade.

    5. Thanks, I will look for them!


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