Monday, April 8, 2013

A smart man and a serial killer movie without a serial killer.

Hallo meine Lieben,

Monday is definitely not my favorite day of the week but I hope you are all doing great!

This is one of the best quotes I have heard in a long time and I wanted to share it with you.

What a smart man...

Well, another topic. 

You know what is weird? When you pick a movie from a list that says "The best serial killer movies of all time" and then you start watching the movie, somebody gets murdered and then you spend 2 hours waiting for the mean serial killer to kill again but nothing happens. Thanks, imdb!

Speaking of serial killers....I thought this one is pretty "funny".

Well maybe next time. Don't get me wrong, the movie (It was "Insomnia") was really good but it wasn't a serial killer. And when you sit there waiting for a serial killer then you get pretty confused.

Do you have any recommendations?  What is your favorite serial killer movie?

I don't have much to tell today so I want to wish you a wonderful week and say thanks again, Mr. Gervais!

Have a lovely Monday!


  1. the best serial killer is Michael Myers in the Halloween series! he's my favorite!

    1. oh yeah, i love the halloween movies! they are so great!

  2. I love Ricky Gervais. I know a lot of people dislike him because he can be quite forward with his jokes but he's usually spot-on. And of course, he loves animals, which makes him a winner in my book!

    That movie sounds disappointing. Have you seen 'Seven' with Brad Pitt? It's old, from the nineties I think. Don't look at any spoilers or you'll ruin it :)

    1. i think ricky gervais is awesome. i like people who a forward and always say what they think!

      the movie was really good, it just wasn't a serial killer movie! oh yeah, i have seen seven! such a good movie! but i have only seen it once years ago so i think it is time to watch it again! :)

  3. ive seen insomnia before, my hubs has almost every al pacino movie ever, they are our favs! don't really have a favorite serial killer movie its not my thing but i hope you find a good one! happy monday :)

    1. yeah, al pacino is a great actor! so cool that you own almost every movie!

  4. Oh my word! That Barbie picture is too funny! (In a twisted kind of way) :-)

  5. I pretty much try to avoid serial killer movies unless it's a comedy, I scare too easily. shouldn't have admit that... oh well.

    thanks for reading my A-Z posts. it's always nice to know at least one person is reading it, so, much thanks & have a sweet day!

    1. haha, that is fine. i get scared too sometimes! :)

      and i love your a-z posts! i wish there would be more letters! :) you are such an awesome writer!

  6. The Ricky Gervais poster is perfect.

  7. I felt the same about the movie "The Village" - the trailer let me think it's kind of a horror movie - but it wasn't at all - and I really did not like that they kind of fooled me.
    Wish that Ricky Gervais poster was hung up everywhere. It's great! And that Barbie pic made me somewhat smile - good one!
    Ich drücke Dich ganz fest, liebste Katrin.

    1. yeah, it is so weird when you expect something completely different!
      and i agree, everybody should see that poster! it is great!
      ich drueck dich ganz dolle, meine liebe Beate!


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