Friday, August 10, 2012

Birthday, neighbor's kitty, rock star soap, pepper plant and a question.

Hallo meine Lieben!

First of all:
Happy happy birthday to the most amazing Dad ever! Mine! Alles Liebe zum Geburtstag, Papa! Ich hab Dich lieb!

I sang "Happy Birthday" to him on Skype. In German and English. He enjoyed it a lot because my singing voice is so fantastic. 

My neighbor's kitty visits me every day which makes me very happy. He is such a cutie.

He's very laid back. I think I have never seen him running. But he likes to cuddle, eat and sleep. Plus he makes the funniest cat noises when he asks for food. 

Look how my pepper plant is growing:

I have to admit that I am a little proud. It doesn't look like it will die soon so that's a huge success. 

Oh. And I forgot to mention my favorite soap in yesterday's post.
Here it is. And surprise, it's from Lush!

Rock Star soap.


You can't really see it in the picture but there is some glitter in it. And it's name is "Rock Star". And it's pink. And smells like vanilla. And it's vegan.  Enough reasons to buy it. I love it. 

I have a question for you guys.
I usually leave the response to your comments on my posts on the blog. But I wonder if you would prefer it if I would send you an email with the response. I mean, people don't really subscribe to the comments or check back on the post the next day. So maybe that's better for you guys? Please tell me what you think, okay?

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Herzlichen gluckwunsch zum Geburstag for your papa!
    that's all my German and did i write it right?? :)

    1. That's perfect! I did not know you speak German! I need to learn Indonesian! :)

    2. Haha, as I told you, i think that's all my German beside 'ich liebe dich' or 'ich vermissen dich'. argg...i want to take German course so I can be fluent in it.

    3. I'll help you! :) You already know the important stuff!

  2. Wenn ich einen Kommentar schreibe, checke ich mindestens nocheinmal, ob es darauf eine Antwort gab. Finde das besser!

    1. Danke, das ist gut zu wissen! Ich versuch echt herauszufinden, was der Mehrheit besser gefällt! :)

  3. Wow, your plants are coming along pretty good! I sadly would have killed them already.
    Ich finde es auch besser wenn die Antwort auf einen Kommentar auch auf dem Blog erfolgt. So können es die anderen Leser nachvollziehen, die Antwort ist ja vielleicht für andere interessant...

    Viele Grüße,
    Miss Sugar Shack

    1. I am surprised I did not kill them!
      Okay, danke für Deine Meinung! Jeder macht das irgendwann anders und ich wills gerne so machen, wie die Leute es auch mögen!

  4. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende.

    Die Pflänzchen gedeihen ja gut. Bin gespannt, wie sie sich weiterhin machen.


    1. Danke, ich bin auch sehr gespannt! Hoffe alles läuft gut! LG!

  5. I check back when I remember. I had trouble subscribing when I was using the other browser so I hadn't tried with this one. I'll try it and see. I wonder if there is a way to have it automatically notify people who post when you reply directly to theirs? I know when I comment on Wordpress blogs it shoots me an email when someone replies but I don't recall ever having to set anything up to make it do so.

    1. I don't know if that's possible. I need to find out. That would be better. I only know that you can subscribe to all the comments but when you do that on many blogs you get hundreds of emails. :)

  6. I never subscribe to comments so email would be best for me. There is an app called intense debate that you can add to blogger. It will automatically send each comment to your email and you can just reply through that. I installed it and it makes things much easier!

    1. I get an email notification about every comment too. But I can only reply through that when the person left an email address. But then it won't show up on the blog. It would be nice if it could do both. :) I need to check out that app, thank you so much!

  7. I check back usually, so I don't need an e-mail :)

    As soon as I am paid I am going to Lush!

    1. Thanks for letting me know! :)
      You really should! I just found out that they have body lotion with bananas and cocoa butter. :) I need to go to Lush soon too! Let me know when you got, okay?

  8. I hope your Dad had a fabulous birthday! Happy belated birthday dear Katrin's Dad :)

    Love that pic of your neighbours kitty. And the pepper plant looks great!

    I like the way you're answering to comments on your blog. It's very sweet to see you're really taking the time to answer each and every single one.
    I do think it's sometimes easier to answer via e-mail (if the person has an e-mail address of course...) because then I'm sure they see my response, I don't know if they all check back on their comment. Tough question how to do it.
    Maybe the e-mail will make sense the more your blog grows, I could imagine. Hmmm, I'm no real help here I guess. Do you already know how you want to do it in the future?

    Ich drücke Dich noch Mal ganz fest, liebste Katrin :D

    1. Thanks, dear! I'll let him know!
      And the neighbor's kitty is really really cute!

      I don't know how I will do it. It seems like most people like the responses on the blog so I guess I'll stick to it. Maybe in some cases I'll send an email if I think it's urgent. I don't know. Thanks so much for your opinion and your help!

      Ich drück Dich! Schönen Sonntag!


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