Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Confessions. Ewoks, lychees and movie directors.

Hallo meine Lieben,

hope you are enjoying your weekend and will like my confessions. I have to admit that they are not very shocking though. My week just wasn't very exciting. 

I am linking up with wonderful Alyx from Every Day Is A New Adventure.

Confession #1.

Sometimes I have so many ideas in my head that I can't concentrate on one thing anymore. I get totally confused and that makes me angry. I just don't know what to do against it. 

Confession #2.

For a couple of days I can't get the way the Ewoks talk out of my head. It gets pretty annoying. I did not even watch Star Wars recently. I guess I am weird. It is a like a really weird ear worm. 


Confession #3.

My new food addiction might be lychee. I ate 20 of them in less than 15 minutes. 

Confession #4.

I got an iTunes gift card and I can't decide what I want to buy for it. I guess ebooks or audio books. But it is always so hard to decide. Well, I guess that is a world-shattering problem.

Confession #5.

I wish I would be a movie director. In school I took a test what would be the best job for me and it said movie director. Never went after that. Kind of sad.

What are your confessions?
Have a wonderful Sunday, my friends!


  1. I get idea's in my head but then don't know how to communicate them, its annoying!

    You should watch Star Wars, maybe it would help? :D

  2. I *love* Ewoks! When I was a kid I would wish that Wickett (or however yous spell it) would come crash on our planet and live with me. haha. #nerd

    I have never had lychee before... what does it taste like??

    Happy Sunday!

    1. Yeah, I would love to have a little Ewok friend too!

      Hmm, it is hard to describe how lychee taste. It is definitely very sweet and juicy. A little glibbery. It is so awesome!

  3. The only place I have ever had lychee before is in cocktails.... which is always good. Itunes gift cards are an awesome gift... I end up always just buying single songs and using it up to fast though! ~Stephanie

    1. Hmm...I never had a lychee in a cocktail! I should try that!
      And yeah, it is so hard to decide what to get!

  4. I admit, I had to Google lychee! They sound like a healthy obsession at least! <3

    1. Yeah, that is true. It could be worse than that!

  5. Haha. Mir fehlen auch manchmal die Worte. Und zwar die deutschen. Dabei lebe ich doch in Deutschland.

    Wünsche dir ein tolles 2013.


  6. Lychees are really, really good. I can eat a can of those (and have). :)

  7. Ideas keep running through my head all the time too.. but sometimes they don't just when i really need them. :)


  8. Hi, sweet Katrin! How have you been? How's life treating you over there? Hope all is well and you welcomed 2013 with great energy! ;D

    I'm totally with you in #1. And I've never tried lychee; I'm curious to know what it tastes like. I'm also curious to smell MOR's fragrance based on lychee, hehe.

    You can totally go for movie direction one day. It's never too late to start studying, my dear friend! ;)


    1. Hey my lovely Miki,
      so good to hear from you! I missed you! I am doing okay, I am thinking about you a lot! I need to find some time to write you a longer message!

      Oh, you should definitely try lychee! It is so awesome! I did not know that there is a lychee fragrance!

      Yeah, I know it is never too late but I don't know where to start. hehe. But that would be awesome!

      Hugs & Love!

  9. I can never decide what to get with an itunes gift card. Always afraid of wasting!
    Hugs xxx

    1. Yeah, that is exactly how I feel about it too! Hugs!

  10. Ewoks are totally cute! Getting gift cards are so much fun but it's always so hard to come up with the perfect thing to buy with it.

    1. I love gift cards but I can never decide what I want!

  11. I totally remember taking those tests in school. :)

  12. I always have way to many things in my head. I either try and write them down or meditate so my mind slows down a bit so I can concentrate on them one at a time.

    1. That is a great idea, I should try to do that too!

  13. You can talk to me in Ewok any old time you want, I love Ewok! :)


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