Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A polite pigeon, a puffer fish and my favorite English words. (Ten On Tuesday)

Hallo meine Lieben,

how is your week going? Hope you are all doing great. I am sorry for my lack of posts lately...I can't even tell you how much it sucks that I don't find as much time for blogging as I want to right now...there are so many things I want to share with you. So please bear with me.

You can link up with Alyssa for Ten On Tuesday here.

1. My favorite fish is the puffer fish.

2. But honestly, I like all animals. And I am that kind of person who needs to stop when she sees an animal, says "Aww" and wants to pet the animal. NO matter if it is a cat, a cow, a rain worm or a snail.

3. One time I started feeding birds in a park and a pigeon flew by, landed on my knee and let me feed her. That was a fantastic experience.

4. When the half time show of the Super Bowl started, I realized that I had absolutely no idea how Bruno Mars looks like.

5. My favorite English words are "indeed" and "rubbish" (I guess because this one reminds me of Blur).

6. I will go to my hair stylist on Friday and I am thinking about cutting it off quite a bit. I am just not made for long hair. 

7. I always read more than just one book at the same time. Currently it's 4. 

8. Wise words by a fantastic man.

9. Please don't buy products from L'Oreal, Maybelline, Cover Girl or other companies that test on animals. There are so many vegan and cruelty-free products and we can only make a difference when consumers stop to buy from companies which test on animals. Every consumer counts. You can find a list with cruelty free and vegan make up products on Logical Harmony (which is a fantastic blog by the way.).

10. You can find a list of companies that do test on animals here. I know that there are many companies to avoid but trust me, it is possible and not that complicated. And it makes you feel so much better. Don't buy Proctor & Gamble or Johnson & Johnson products. They are the worst. You can find a cruelty free shopping guide at leapingbunny.org. Thanks for your support.

Have a fantastic week!


  1. 1. I like puffers but I'm a sucker for the angel fish. =)
    2. YES.
    3. Whaaat? I don't even know what I would do.
    4. I'll sum it up for you: cute and short.
    7. Oh dear me! I can NOT do that!
    10. WOW. Going through both lists now!
    THANK YOU so much for linking up!

    1. Angel fish are great too! :)
      I loved Bruno Mars' blazer so much! I need to have one like that!
      Glad you checked out the lists!

      Thanks so much for the link-up, dear!

  2. 3. How cool!
    4. I'm always shocked to see how short he is!!
    6. Pics!!!!
    7. Me too. I usually have one in my work bag, one by the bed, one by the couch, and another floating around on my e-reader.
    9-10. It makes me sick to think of how much money I used to channel to these companies because I didn't know better, when it's such an OBVIOUS thing!!! How could I be so stupid and not put two and two together? I'll never switch back now!!!!

    1. 4. He really is pretty short! :) But the blazer was so cute! I want one too!
      6. I will share pics once it is done. :)
      7. Glad I am not the only one.
      9-10. I can't even tell you how sick it makes me....Now we know better and we will never make that mistake again!

  3. Awww, so did you end up liking Bruno Mars??

  4. You're right! "Rubbish" is a neat English word :p.

    I can't believe so many brands test on animals :/.

    1. There really are wayyyyy too many companies that test on animals. People need to stop buying that shit!

  5. How can you read four books at the same time? Don't you get the plots mixed up?

    I love the word 'rubbish', too. It's not a popular word in America, so I'm enjoying the opportunity to use it often here in London!

    1. No, I usually don't mix up the plots. I don't know why. I always pick the book I am in the mood for right that moment and that usually works out fine.

      Yeah, America should use "rubbish" as well! You are lucky to be in England!

  6. "Indeed" is a great word.

    I've been boycotting Proctor&Gamble since I was 15. I was heartbroken when I found out they make Pringles.

    You pet worms? Seriously? Please, please don't tell me you pet slugs as well. Ugh... slimy, slimy slugs. I shudder just THINKING about touching one :-/

    1. It really is a great word! :)

      I am so happy that you are boycotting Procter & Gamble! That is so fantastic! I wish more people would!

      Well, I guess petting is not the right word but I do pick the rain worms up when I see them on a street and carry them to a safe place. And yes, I do the same with slugs. :)

  7. I have not read in a long time. I have so many books that are half read. I hope to read again soon:)

  8. I hate animal testing...there are no words to describe how cruel it is and I wish it would stop! Love that cute little puffer fish! xxx

    1. Such a cute fish! :)
      And yeah, it is such a terrible thing to do. And not necessary at all! I hope they will stop soon!

  9. I love that puffer fish - it makes me smile - so cute! :)
    I always want to touch any animal I see, too....people tend to shake their heads but I don't care. It makes me happy. I read several books at a time, too! Can't wait to see a pic of your new hair do - you'll look amazing with shorter hair (just as much as with long hair :)
    Love that quote - so so so so true!!
    Thank you for giving examples of companies to avoid...you make me wonder something and I hope it's not too TMI....do you know if Johnson & Johnson also does animal testing on o.b. ? That popped into my mind when I read their name.
    I hope you're having an amazing week!
    Ich drücke Dich soooooo feste, liebste Katrin. Ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut!

    1. The little fish makes me smile too!
      I don't care if people shake their heads either. I do what makes me happy, I don't care if people think I am crazy. :)
      I really hope that I will like the new haircut! I don't really like myself right now so it can only get better. :)
      Johnson & Johnson definitely do animal testing and that is why I would not buy anything made by that company because I don't want to give my money to such a company and support the animal testing by that. I don't know if they specifically do animal testing for o.b. but I could imagine that they test the ingredients on animals. I mean, a tampon must be skin-friendly and I am sure they test that. You can buy cruelty free tampons at dm by the way.
      Hope your week is amazing as well!
      Ich drueck Dich ganz ganz dolle! <3

  10. I'm bookmarking leapingbunny.org. Thanks for the tip Katrin!

    1. You are very welcome! It is a great source of information!

  11. Hahaha I love your favorite English words!


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