Hallo meine Lieben, it is time for another awesome link-up with these fabulous ladies.
Well, I have to admit that I had to think about this topic a lot. I asked David for advice but his answer was that I have low standards when it comes to TV shows which is completely untrue. I mean, all my favorite shows are really great but sometimes I enjoy to watch some shows where you can just completely stop thinking. That's normal. Everybody does that. Am I right?
So, the topic is.
1. Toddlers and tiaras.
I checked this show out when I first moved to America. I was curious because we don't have beauty pageants like that in Germany. At least not that I know of. But what I saw was just crazy and made me want to slap these crazy mothers in the face. I never watched it again.
2. Germany's Next Topmodel.
Heidi Klum is the host and she is just completely annoying. I can't stand to watch her talking crap. I don't know if she is as annoying in America as she is in Germany but I haven't watched any of the latest episodes.
3. The Bachelor.
I have only seen the German version but the candidates were so dumb that I had to stop watching. The concept of that show is so stupid.
4. Glee.
I checked out one or two episodes when they started to air that show and I think I have never been so bored of a TV show. Plus all the annoying singing....help!
5. Any show with the Kardashians.
They are dumb, annoying and like fur. Three reasons not to watch their shows.
Hallo meine Lieben, I have to say that I did not expect to see a video in which Woody Harrelson talks about fashion. But here it is and I want to share it with you because it is great, informative and absolutely important to share the message.
Hallo meine Lieben, how is your week going? Hope everything is wonderful! I am linking up with lovely Lin from Linny's Vault and amazing Amber from Amber Nicole for some more randoms on Tuesday. Again, I am really sorry that I don't find much time to blog at the moment. I hope you won't leave me and I can't wait to read your guys' blogs! You rock! Thanks for being there!
1. I will get some basic knitting lessons tomorrow. I hope this will help. I tried to figure it out on my own and with some videos (thank you, Nikkiana!) but I guess I am just not very talented and I need some lessons in person first. I really hope I can successfully knit scarf! 2. A friend knitted an iPhone case for me. So sweet. I can't believe she did that for me. 3. Do you watch Girls? That show rocks. I can't believe that I fell asleep when I watched the latest episode and missed the last 5 minutes. I need to watch that again. Do you have a favorite girl? 4. I finished the second book of the Carl Morck series by Jussi Adler-Olsen last weekend and I can't believe how this book made me feel. I was shocked, excited, sad, scared, angry, disgusted at the same time. Can't wait to start the third book.
5. I miss Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. I really do. Walking Dead will start again soon but I can't believe that I have to wait until July to see more Breaking Bad.
9. I can't tell you how excited I am about the trip to Vegas. There are so many things I want to do and see and I can't wait to gamble and lose some money. Plus it will be awesome to have some "us time" with David.
10. One of my most favorite bands Tocotronic released a new album on Friday and I can't believe I haven't listened to it yet.
Hallo meine Lieben, I really hope your weekend is going great! It is Sunday which means that I am linking up with lovely Alyx from Every Day Is A New Adventure and that I finally have some time to catch up with all your lovely blogs. The last days have been pretty hectic so I am excited to read what you guys experienced in the last days.
Confession #1.
I am a little scared that you might get sick of me because I am behind on reading your blogs and commenting. I am really sorry about that and I promise to get better. Don't leave me, please!
Confession #2.
I have only finished reading 2 books so far this year. I would love to read at least 50 books but I guess that won't happen. I just don't find enough time to read as much as I want.
Confession #3.
I found some vegan shrimps in a store yesterday and I am very excited to try them. I hope they taste great. I want to roast them with some garlic and olive oil and then eat them with pasta. I really hope I won't be disappointed.
Confession #4.
I will try to bake banana muffins today and I am a little scared that they might turn out like the last muffins I made. I guess I am just not a very talented baker.
Confession #5.
I got cotton wool and knitting needles and now I just need to have the courage to start knitting. And maybe learn how to knit. My first project is a scarf.
What do you have to confess? Have a wonderful weekend!
Hallo meine Lieben, time for another link-up with these lovely ladies.
This week's topic rocks as usual.
Actually one time I found 50 Euros (~67$) one the street. I walked across a parking lot with my friend Barbara at university and we saw that 50 Euro note on the ground. So we looked around to see if somebody was searching for it but we did not see anybody and grabbed the money. Later that day we went to the store and got lots of food and drinks and had a nice evening with our friends. That was very exciting.
So if I would find 100 $ I would probably not spend it just for myself. I would see it as a sign to do something nice and would go and buy something for David. Something for the cats and the bunnies. And then I would buy some food and bring it to the animal shelter. That would make me feel good and make others happy.
I guess I'd surprise David with a ticket for a band he wants to see. And if there would be a couple of dollars left I would treat myself with a little something. Like a lipgloss or a book.
Hallo meine Lieben, this week i decided to tell you a little bit about my favorite beauty products. I love to read about other people's favorite products so I thought you might enjoy that too. Maybe I am wrong but it is definitely fun to write about it. I am linking up with Lin and Amber.
So here are ten of my current favorite beauty products. I apologize in advance for all the Lush products you will see. But I really like that stuff and can't get enough of it at the moment.
1. Face cleanser. Lush, Buche de Noel. I swear, I would love to eat that stuff. It smells so incredible and christmasy and delicious. I can barely resist but i haven't tried a bite. Yet. There are almonds in it, cranberries and cocoa butter. 2. Lipstick. Lime Crime, Coquette. Honestly, I just can't resist a purple lipstick with glitter unicorns on it. Plus the shade is really pretty and nude. I got it from David for my birthday. He knows me.
3. Hand cream. Lush, Handy Gurugu. My hands are pretty stupid, the skin is always dry and nothing else helps me. I don't know. There is lots of good stuff in it...almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, herbs. The smell is incredible and it really helps my skin.
4. Body lotion. Lush, Sympathy for the skin. I know, I am boring but Lush products really work for me. This one contains bananas which is pretty awesome. I also love the You snap the whip body butter by Lush. It contains charcoal and blackcurrant and it was weird to use it at first but it definitely works and smells like paradise.
5. Lip Scrub. Lush, Mint Julips. Well another product I just want to eat because it smells like chocolate and mint. I don't even like chocolate in combination with mint but this is awesome. Weird, I know. Plus it makes your lips really smooth. 6. Face mask. Lush, cupcake mask. It is a chocolate mask. So it is a winner. I would also love to try some other face masks from Lush. Oatifix is on top of my list. One of my friends says it tastes like cookie dough. Sounds amazing to me.
7. Nail polish. Beauty without cruelty, Geranium. I am in love with that color. It is such a pretty pinkish purple. I love nail polish and I have so many colors but this one is my absolute favorite.
8. Moisturizer. Alverde, wild rose day cream. I am a huge fan of everything that smells like roses. So this cream is my hero. It's especially for dry skin. I love the products from Alverde because they are all natural.
9. Soap. Lush, rock star. They call it bubble gum soap but it does not really remind me of bubble gum. It is pink and smells like vanilla and that is all I need to make me happy. 10. Things I would love to own. I guess you can see a pattern. I am really into Lush and all products that smell good. So I would love to spend some more time in a Lush store and get some nice new products such a a new shampoo and some bath bombs. I also want to discover some new products because I can't use Lush products all the time. That's kind of boring. So I am counting on you. Do you have any recommendations? What works for you? Have a lovely Tuesday! PS: This post was not sponsored by Lush.
Hallo meine Lieben, life is a bit hectic at the moment but i found the time to link up with wonderful Alyx from Every Day Is A New Adventure for some Sunday Confessions. I hope you are all doing great and enjoying your weekend!
Confession #1.
I admire Alicia Silverstone and I would love to meet her for a coffee. She is such a great person and I think everybody should check out her blog The Kind Life and watch this video.
Confession #2. I don't think that every person should have the right to own a weapon. Confession #3. I would love to read 100 books this year like some bloggers try to. I wish I would have more time to read. I love reading so much and it would be great if somebody would pay me for reading. I would read 300 books a year, I promise. Confession #4. I slept with 3 hot water bottles last night. Sometimes I feel like I could die because it is so cold. Confession #5. I might be addicted to the Carl Morck book series by Jussi Adler-Olsen. I don't want to read anything else at the moment. Which never happened before. The books are really good. Do you have any confessions? Enjoy your Sunday!
Hallo meine Lieben, time for another fun Random Thursday with these lovely ladies.
Hope you are all doing wonderful. I love this week's topic and I can't wait to see the other girls' posts. And the vlogs (Thanks, Meg!)!
I thought about doing a vlog too but I need to figure out all the technical problems first before I can even think about recording my weird German accent.
Here's the topic.
Well, my purse is usually a mess. So you have to add some random papers and receipts and stuff like that. I am sorry for the poor quality of the picture but I had to take it with my iPhone.
I always need to carry some books. I don't have a case for my Kindle, that's why I don't carry it around that much. I feel empty without books so I always need to have some with me. Currently I am carrying Erbarmen by Jussi Adler Olsen and Why we love dogs, eat pigs and wear cows by Melanie Joy.
Hand sanitizer.
You never know when you need it and it always make me feel better when I can't wash my hands but feel like it.
You know, for money and credit cards and driver's license and stuff.
A scarf.
That is just my back-up scarf. I wear a scarf but you never know when you need a second one. I am always cold.
I love to listen to music so it is nice to always be ready.
A pen for my nails.
I have very dry skin on my hands so this helps to take care of the skin around my nails.
Hand cream.
"Handy Gurugu" by Lush, best smelling hand cream ever. Again, for my dry skin.
A button.
You never know when you need a button.
My phone.
Well, this is just the case for my phone because as I said, I had to take this picture with my phone.
My glasses.
My eyes are pretty bad and you never know when you lose a contact lens.
To write things down.
Lip balm.
Not only the skin on my hands is dry. This lip balm smells like peppermint. I might be a little addicted to lip balms. You can never have enough.
Nail polish.
Because girls need nail polish. This one is from Beauty Without Cruelty and the color is just so cute.
Lip gloss.
This one is called Velvetines from Lime Crime, the color is Suedeberry.
Face cream.
Dry skin, you know. This one contains roses and smells so incredible.
A lip scrub.
It is from Lush and smells like chocolate and mint. Delicious.
Okay, what is in your purse? I am curious. Is your purse messy or not? Do you carry around a lot of stuff?
Hallo meine Lieben, I am linking up with the fabulous Lin from Linny's Vault and the wonderful Amber from Glitter And Dirt for some random Ten On Tuesday. Like I do every Tuesday. So here we go. 1. The exciting news first: VEGAS, BABY! We will go on a trip to Las Vegas next month and I could not be more excited. I always wanted to see Vegas. We already ordered a travel guide but I need some recommendations from you. Have you been there? What do you like? What do we have to see or do?
2. I am listening to songs that I loved years and years ago and I fell in love with them all over again. This is one of them.
3. My hair is really annoying at the moment. I need a change. I am thinking about bangs but I am not sure. I'm really not a fan of my own hair. 4. This is pretty inspiring.
5. I got an app for my phone which tells me what shows are on TV tonight. I am not organized enough to remember that myself so this is really helpful.
6. I started to watch an episode of The Mentalist eight times now and still haven't finished it. I'd say it is a shame because I really really like that show and I won't give up on that episode. Someday I will be able to watch the whole thing.
7. Recently I have heard the German voice of Patrick Jane and it is terrible. I could never watch that show in German. Most shows are unbearable in German. The Big Bang Theory, Friends....bäh....
8. I hate to wake up ten minutes before my alarm goes off. I always think that it is in the middle of the night and that I can get much more sleep. It's a terrible feeling when you realize that you have to get up soon.
9. I have to say that I am totally riveted by the books by Jussi Adler Olsen. I love the way he writes and I love the characters. I am so glad I found another book series I love.
10. I will definitely gamble a bit when we are in Vegas. Black Jack, Poker, Roulette, one-armed bandit...Can't wait to have fun and lose some money!
Hallo meine Lieben, it is Sunday which means I have some confessions to make. It also means that I am linking up with fabulous Alyx from Every Day Is A New Adventure.
Confession #1.
I have some ideas for a new blog design but did not have any time to work on it yet. But I really feel like changing the design. I am bored of this one plus it does not look very professional.
Confession #2.
I wasn't able to finish watching this video because I know what will happen at the end and the beginning already touched me so much that I had to start crying. I can't understand how an industry can be so cruel. It makes me so incredibly sad and I can't understand this world anymore (that is nothing new though).
I really wish I would have more time for blogging, visiting blogs, commenting, responding to comments. I also would love to have more time for other things I enjoy. Kind of sad.
Confession #4.
I started to watch the latest episode of The Mentalist six times but still haven't finished it. I always fall asleep because I usually start to watch around midnight.
Confession #5.
I need some new cookbooks for inspiration. This one looks pretty awesome. I feel so bored in the kitchen. I cook the same stuff all the time and I really need something new.
Hallo meine Lieben, another Random Thursday with these fabulous ladies today. Welcome to the new host Meg who is such a wonderful person and awesome friend. Thanks for hosting, lovelies.
This week's topic is...
Well, I guess there are a couple of things that I can't resist and that I would never ever get rid of again.
Let's start with the most important thing...
Books. I have never counted all my books but I never stop buying new ones. When I see a book I am interested in then I need to have it. Especially crime novels. That is why I love flea markets so much. You can shop for books and buy anything you want without feeling guilty about spending too much money. As I said, I never counted my books but I would guess I have around 400. Maybe less, maybe more. And I just buy them, not sell any of them. Ever.
Magazines. Magazines are such great entertainment. I love all kinds of magazines. Fashion, cooking, entertainment, gossip, decoration, travelling, crafty magazines. My mother-in-law got me a couple of subscriptions so now I have a huge stack of magazines and no time to read them. But someday I will find the time. I know it.
Beauty products. Cruelty free for sure. I love anything I can use to pamper myself. It makes me feel good. I love nail polish, body lotion, lipsticks...anything.
Shoes and clothes. I am a girl, what can I say. I probably have more shoes that I can wear but I love every single pair. But yeah, I throw them away when they die. But I love to have shoes in different colors and different styles. Ballerinas, boots, sneaker, high heels. I guess every girl loves shoes.
Are you a hoarder too? What are the things that you can't stop buying. Oh, I forgot. There is one thing that you don't have to pay for. When I see a stone on the ground that looks cool in any way then I have to pick it up and take it home. Weird.
Have a lovely Thursday!
Oh, and please go here and tell my husband David what kind of music you listen to. He would love to hear more about your taste in music!
Hallo meine Lieben, today I want to introduce you to a very special person. The most special person. My super awesome husband who knows everything about music and knows how to play every single instrument you can imagine. He is a hero. And he wants to talk to you about music he loves today. Thanks Schatzi, it is a huge honor that you were willing to write a guest post for my little blog and share your music wisdom with us! And here he is.... Hello Katrin's readers! My name is David and I'd like to thank my wife for letting me blab about music on her blog. Music is one of my greatest passions in life, and every December, I like to offer my unsolicited opinions on the year in music. Forgive me as I'm a little late for 2012, but I was still consuming new music in the final weeks of the year and I wanted to make sure I was thorough.
By the way, this is not a list of the "best" albums. My ego is not so large that I feel qualified to make that statement. This is just a list of my favorite music of the year. You can feel free to disagree.
First, I want to start with an honorable mention:
Favorite band I discovered in 2012 that didn't actually release new music in 2012:
And the winner is...
I suspect that melodic death metal may not go over particularly well with my wife's audience, but give me a chance here. I'm not a huge fan of blast beats and growled vocals either, but Insomnium makes such beautiful and epic music. The above song is a great example of that. In 2012 they vaulted into my top 10 favorite bands list and I can't wait to hear new stuff from them, hopefully in 2013.
And now on to the list. 2012 was one of the most anticipated years for new albums in my recent memory. Many of my absolute favorite bands released new music, so I figured my year end list would be chalk full of great stuff. That is the case, but there should have been more. I could talk probably twice as long about the albums that AREN'T going to make this list. Minus The Bear, for example, is one of my top 5 favorite bands and they released a new album this summer, but it's not on the list (in fact, they may not even be in my top 5 anymore). However, there is no sense wasting time with disappointment. On to my favorites!
10. Muse - The 2nd Law
I'm a "serious music fan," so Muse is one of those bands that I'm a little embarrassed to like because "serious music fans" recognize Muse for what they are: overly bombastic Radiohead rip-off artists. Except, they aren't. Muse hasn't had anything in common with Radiohead for at least a decade. They started off aping the Radiohead formula but Muse ran with it and made it their own. Muse is like if Muse had a baby with Muse, only more Muse-ier. Get my drift? Muse is Muse. Anyway, when I first listened to The 2nd Law, I hated it. I thought I was finally done with Muse and could join the rest of "serious music fans" in despising them. But then I listened to it again. And again. And again. And, yes, Muse "went dubstep," and they are just as over-the-top as ever, but you have to respect it. Nobody else does it like Muse.
9. The Smashing Pumpkins - Oceania
A disclaimer: The Smashing Pumpkins are my favorite band of all-time. I have been obsessed with them for over half my life. I'm still obsessed with them. And when they announced plans to release a new album in 2012, you can imagine how excited I was. When I finally got the album, I loved it. It had great production, great performances, and it touched on all eras of the band's history and broke new ground in doing so. But after a solid 50 listens this year, the problem is the songs just don't resonate with me on the emotional level I expect from the Pumpkins. Don't get me wrong, they still resonate to some degree, but I expect a lot from my boyhood idol Billy Corgan. He delivered enough for it to make my list, but it's a disappointment in the sense that I expected this to be an easy number one.
8. Passion Pit - Gossamer
Now we take a bit of a turn with the synthpop indie darlings, Passion Pit. This album is catchy as hell and insanely dancable, but it goes far beyond that. I don't usually pay much attention to lyrics, but this was the most meaningful album of the year to me in those terms. If you read any interviews with frontman Michael Angelakos, you'll understand why I feel so lucky to have seen them live when I did: it would not surprise me if he is the next rock star to "Kurt Cobain himself". The guy definitely has issues, but those issues result in some deep lyrics, the pain of which is hidden underneath a deceptive glossy sheet of pop.
7. Cloudkicker - Fade
Fade is one of the three albums on this list that I didn't discover until December, but a healthy 20-30 listens in 2 days cemented its position on this list. It's purely instrumental music, and some people don't get into that, but this is very approachable instrumental stuff. Cloudkicker is the brainchild of Ben Sharp (residing in my home state of Ohio). He does everything himself. He plays the guitars and bass and programs the drums. On this record, he went for the "wall of guitars" sound found on Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins and he certainly achieved it. This is what I wish Billy Corgan were doing today.
6. The Sword - Apocryphon
The Sword started their career on an impossibly high note with "Age of Winters" and have been trying to match it ever since. They went a little less metal and a little more classic rock on their previous two albums, but this one strikes the perfect balance of heavy grooves and Guitar Hero shredding. The rhythm section is great at keeping things interesting. Their bassist, in particular, is always doing what you least expect, and it makes the music that much more interesting, yet still insanely heavy. I've seen these guys live twice and they blew the doors off the club both times. With this album, they are trending in the right direction. It doesn't top "Age of Winters," but I have a feeling they will do it eventually.
5. And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead - Lost Songs
Trail of Dead is another band residing in my top 5 all time. "Tao of the Dead" was my favorite album of 2011 and one of my favorite albums ever, and they are the only band to make my "favorite albums" list two years in a row. This one isn't as good as "Tao," but it has some very high points. Unfortunately, I couldn't find my favorite song from the album on Youtube, "Awestruck," but the above video is still a high note on the album. My only complaint is the production. These guys are punk DIYers, and while I do love that attitude, it results in a production style that obscures some of the power that I know hides in these songs. They are a force to be reckoned with live, and I wish that came across on the album.
4. Enslaved - RIITIIR
Another album (along with the next one) that I discovered in the last few weeks. The bias of being so recent might mean they are too high on my list, but I can't stop listening to them. Enslaved are considered black metal, which I don't typically get into, but they have more in common with Insomnium than they do Mayhem. Since Insomnium didn't release an album in 2012, Enslaved has to carry the mantle for brutally beautiful metal, and they do so amazingly well on RIITIIR.
3. Forgotten Tomb - ...And Don't Deliver Us From Evil
I never would have thought there'd be two black metal bands topping my list, but here we are. Forgotten Tomb, as their name, album title and album cover imply, are not pretty like Enslaved, but they are about as catchy as I imagine black metal can get. This is like a much more evil version of The Sword but with less singing (none). I don't care for the vocals--after a while I'm not sure if he's shrieking or whispering--but they don't detract from an otherwise brilliant and devastating album.
2. Deftones - Koi No Yokan
I talked about "brutally beautiful metal" with Enslaved, but nobody produced that combination better than Deftones on "Leathers." They tear you limb from limb on the verse and then put you together again on the chorus. You can only listen and marvel. "Leathers" is certainly the high point, but the entire album is barely a notch below that. With them doing the best work of their career on the last two albums, it's time to recognize that Deftones are one of the best metal bands of the last 15 years.
1. Pinback - Information Retrieved
Pinback is the partnership of indie stalwarts Armistead Burwell Smith IV and Rob Crow, and is what happens when two musical soulmates find each other and don't allow anyone else to interfere. They released their first album in 1999, a barebones production of insanely catchy songs with darkly hilarious lyrics. You know how most bands release their best album early in their career and slowly fall apart over time? Pinback has done the opposite. Each album has been better than the last, and their most recent, Information Retrieved, is the best of their decade-plus career. It's perfect. Utterly perfect. The songs are perfect, the lyrics are perfect, the production is perfect. The only thing you can say against it is that it's over quickly, but perfection doesn't need padding.
I hope you enjoyed David's guest post! Hopefully he will come back for another insight in his taste. I would surely enjoy to read another guest post about movies he loves....or shows. Or books...hehe. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Hallo meine Lieben, it is time for more random Ten On Tuesday with lovely Lin. Poor Amber is sick! Feel better soon, dear! How are you doing, lovelies? I hope you are enjoying your week!
I am so uncreative at the moment plus there is not much time for blogging so I decided to talk a bit about the shows I love to watch. There isn't much time to watch shows either but I really hope I will find some more time for my favorite shows soon. This list only contains shows that are currently on TV. 10. Parks And Recreation April and Andy are such an awesome couple. They make me laugh a lot and I love their dog. So they are definitely my favorite characters in that show. 9. The Walking Dead If I ever witness a zombie apocalypse then I want to be in a group with Daryl. He is definitely the hero of that show and the secret leader. They would all be dead without him. So I can't wait to see more from Daryl and his nice brother. And I hate Andrea for still being so stupid in front of the damn governor.
8. Grey's Anatomy I have to admit that a lot of characters are more than just annoying. Meredith and Christina for example. I can't stand the two together. Can they be even more stupid? I don't think so. They seem to kill all my favorite characters but I have to say that I still love that show. (It is only called Ten On Tuesday so there is no spot for The Mindy Project. Good show but the main characters is a little annoying too. I can see a pattern here. Good shows, stupid main characters.) 7. How I Met Your Mother So glad Ted's stupid ex girlfriend is gone. I don't even remember her name anymore. The girl with the cakes. Very annoying. And I have to admit that Lilly and Marshall go on my nerves from time to time. And they should let real Germans play the roles of Germans. Because of the accent, you know. 6. The Mentalist Well, nobody can beat Patrick Jane. I love to watch him on his hunt for Red John. But the other characters are awesome too. Especially agent Cho. His dry sense of humor is freaking awesome. 5. New Girl I would love to have Jess' wardrobe. Just saying. But yeah, the characters are lovely and the show just makes me feel good. 4. Go On Love the concept of that show. Matthew Perry as a struggling widower is just hilarious. I love his group and if I ever go to a support group I want the group to be exactly like this one. I hope they won't cancel that show because I am getting used to it. 3. Castle Crime shows rock. Especially when the main charaters are so lovable. Castle's mom is pretty awesome. I always have to think about Kitty Montgomery from Dharma & Greg when I see her. Great woman. And I am a huge fan of Ryan and Esposito. 2. Breaking Bad One of the coolest shows ever. What more can I say.
1. The Big Bang Theory. All characters are awesome and I want to hear the soft kitty song when I am sick. That show makes me laugh so much, even when I watch an episode 10 times. I love Sheldon but I am glad I don't have him as a roomate. Plus I want Penny's bedroom. It looks so adorable. What are your favorite shows? Are there any shows you want to start watching? Shows you really hate? Have a lovely Tuesday and please come back tomorrow the read what David has to say about music.
Hallo meine Lieben, hope you are enjoying your weekend and will like my confessions. I have to admit that they are not very shocking though. My week just wasn't very exciting. I am linking up with wonderful Alyx from Every Day Is A New Adventure.
Confession #1.
Sometimes I have so many ideas in my head that I can't concentrate on one thing anymore. I get totally confused and that makes me angry. I just don't know what to do against it.
Confession #2.
For a couple of days I can't get the way the Ewoks talk out of my head. It gets pretty annoying. I did not even watch Star Wars recently. I guess I am weird. It is a like a really weird ear worm.
My new food addiction might be lychee. I ate 20 of them in less than 15 minutes.
Confession #4.
I got an iTunes gift card and I can't decide what I want to buy for it. I guess ebooks or audio books. But it is always so hard to decide. Well, I guess that is a world-shattering problem.
Confession #5.
I wish I would be a movie director. In school I took a test what would be the best job for me and it said movie director. Never went after that. Kind of sad.