Saturday, May 26, 2012

11 questions! (+I'm feeling supersonic, give me gin and tonic.)

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

Lovely Esther from Miss Sugar Shack tagged me in her post today. I think that's so cool and exciting. I have never done this before so I can't wait to answer her 11 questions!
By the way, Esther is so great and sweet, you should all go and check out her blog!

1. If you could chose to be immortal (as the only person on earth), would you do it?

Uh, that's a tricky question for the start. I really don't know. I mean, I tend to say yes because it would be great to be able to do all kinds of stupid things without dying...but on the other hand it would be so sad when all the people you love die and you end up being completely alone. So yeah...I really don't know. Maybe I would be able to find a way to make all other people immortal too...I have enough time for that. Ah, that's so question. Please. (Wow, I start with not having an answer for the first question. Nice.)

2. What was your make-up sin as a teenager?

Hmm, I did not wear much make-up as a teenager. I'd say: Trying to hide a pimple under too much concealer. Haha. And I also had very colorful hair as a teenager but I would not say that's a sin. I liked it. I had orange, red, blue, green, purple and yellow hair. Sometimes more than one color at a time.

Never tried that one. Looks kind of cool.

3. Were you the nerd at school or the person in the last row?

I always sat in the last row at school. Although I was never able to read what the teacher wrote on the board. My eyes are really bad. But  I would say that I was neither the nerd nor the school "mayhem". My grades were good and I never had any big conflicts.

4. Which 3 make-up products would you save from your burning cosmetic cabinet?

Haha, I like that question. Probably my hand cream from  Lush  (see here) and one of my mom's old lipsticks that I still own (and don't use). And maybe a perfume.

5. To which beauty rituals do you have to force yourself?

Eyebrow tweezing! I hate it so much! It hurts so badly and I always have to cry so much. Really, I just can't stand it and I am scared every time I have to do it. It is the worst beauty ritual ever. Even waxing my legs is lots of fun compared to this. Maybe I should get a new tweezer. I have heard that these babies should be really good.  Any experiences?

6. What meal wakes up child hoood memories in you?

Griesssuppe mit Knoblauch und Croutons! Semolina soup with garlic and croutons! Best soup ever!! My mom always made it for me when I was sick. And every other day. I just loved that soup. I don't know the recipe so I haven't eaten it for 10 years which is kind of sad. I should try to cook it myself someday.

7. Lake or open-air swimming pool?

Neither. I just don't like water. Only in my bathtub or the shower. All other water is too deep for me. But I love to spend a day at a lake, grilling, making a bonfire, drinking, reading etc. That's my thing.

8. Frozen Yogurt or regular ice-cream? What flavor?

I have never tried frozen yogurt. Is that supposed to be a healthier ice-cream version? I am not sure. Does it have much taste? Best ice-cream I have tried in the last months is this one:

Lupinesse ice-cream with chocolate flavor. So delicious. I would love to make my own ice-cream! I wish I had an ice-cream machine!

9. Is there anything in your life that you would do in a different way if you'd have the chance?

Sure. I wish I'd known before that some of my relatives came directly from hell to make other people's life really miserable.

10. Do you wear comfortable or fancy clothes at home?
(To be honest, I have no idea how to translate this question. Esther's questions are in German and the German word is "Gammelklamotten"...clothes you wear at home which are comfortable but don't look that great.)

I try not to look too shabby but I do wear my "ugly pants" (that's how we call them) at home. Sweatpants in black or grey combined with a shirt, sweater or tanktop. I would say it is not too bad. The clothes are always clean and smell good and have no holes. I would say: Fancy Gammelklamotten.

10. What do you eat as a snack in front of the TV?

Pretzels (Bretzeln in German). I like them a lot. I also like chips. The weird thing is that I like chips with onion flavor but I NEVER EVER eat onions. I hate them, they are the worst thing ever. But hey, the chips are good. I also like to eat healthy stuff like carrots, strawberries, grapes etc.

And this is my song of the day:
Oasis "Supersonic".
I love that band. I went to a concert when I was seventeen and passed out in the front row. So embarrassing. But I had good timing. I passed out before Oasis even started to play so I did not miss anything. The guy who rescued me said: Congratulations, you are the first one tonight. I did not get a medal but I got some coca cola and the order not to come back.

I hope you guys are having a fabulous weekend! Esther, thank you again for tagging me!!! You rock!


  1. It's pretty awesome that you had different colored hair. I always wanted to do that but was never ballsy enough.

    You've got to try frozen yogurt, it's pretty good & tastes pretty much just like ice cream. Well, just not as thick & milky. Either way, its delicious.

    1. I am sure I looked very funny sometimes. :)

      I will definitely check it out, it sounds delicious!

  2. Haha...I used to do the colourful hair too but thankfully I outgrew it, it was very damaging!

    The tye-dye hair looks really cool but I would never do it!

    1. Yeah, my hair was pretty damaged too! This style looks really cool but I would not try it either.

  3. You wrote some really interesting answers. I think that the first question is a real tough one. I'd tend to say yes. But being the only one on earth would not be as tempting I guess.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. I guess it would be great at the beginning....but really stupid when everybody you like is gone....So it really is a tough question!

  4. That hair style is pretty cool! I'm not sure I could pull it off. And Katrin, I am with you girl friend, bring on leg waxes over eyebrows any day! I can hold a steady conversation throughout a leg wax, eyebrow routines suck!

    1. I am glad you are with me, Vanisha! It seems like lots of girls don't have a problem with it but I just can't stand it. No problems with leg waxing though. :)

  5. Danke fürs mitmachen und das du dir so viel Mühe gegeben hast ;)

    Ich finde die bunte Haare ziemlich cool! Ich wollte früher immer krass bunte Haare haben, habe mich aber nicht getraut. Ich finde nicht dass das eine Sünde ist, sondern ziemlich cool.

    Das mit den Lippenstiften deiner Mama kann ich gut verstehen! Kein Wunder das du sie wie deinen Augapfel schützt...

    Frozen Joghurt ist echt lecker! Ich dachte anfangs auch erst das wäre nur was für Gesundheitsfanatiker, schmeckt aber echt supi vor allem mit passenden Topings! Musst du unbedingt mal probieren...Aber trotzdem wird es leckeres Sahneeis nicht ersetzen können ;)

    Wo kriegst du in Amerika denn deine Fernseh-Brezn her?!

    Liebe Grüße!!!

    1. Hat total viel Spaß gemacht, danke nochmal fürs Taggen!

      Ich glaub, manche Farben, die ich hatte, sahen schon sehr gewöhnungsbedürftig aus, aber ich fands sehr cool!

      Ich werds auf jeden Fall mal probieren! :)

      Bei Aldi haben die Bretzeln, das find ich ziemlich cool!!

  6. We need pictures of your rainbow hair! I always wanted to do that but never got the nerve, now I need to look "conservative" for work.

    I'm surprised you hate tweezing but not waxing? I tweeze my brows but I refuse to wax. It hurts too much!

    #9 is almost all of my inlaws. Seriously. WTH.

    Fancy Gammelklamotten is a good way to put it. I always wear my yoga pants and thermal long sleeved shirts and my Mukluks (slipper boots) because I get too cold.

    I hate onions but I love onion bagels with cream cheese!!!

    1. Hmm, I am not sure if there are any pictures. I have one with green highlights but there are none of the really colorful hair. Unfortunately. It was fun to try all the colors. I wish I could do that again.

      I hate tweezing my brows so much. It hurts so badly!

      Oh, you have relatives from hell too?

      Yeah, I love my comfy Gammelklamotten! So great!

      Eww, onion bagels. :)


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