Monday, May 21, 2012

My week - week 20

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. Let's start the week with a strange picture.

That's me trying to feed a mini horse. I was totally perplexed that the horses completely ignored me. The goats in the background did the same by the way. Sad sad moment. 

Okay, here is what I did last week.

|seen| Avengers (Iron Man is my favorite), Grey's Anatomy Season finale, How I Met Your Mother, Community, 21 Jump Street and lots more. I watch too much TV.
|read| Yrsa Sigurðardóttir, Entertainment weekly, C.D. Payne
|listened to| Die drei Fragezeichen, Gotje
|done|university stuff, grocery shopping, yard work, skyped
|eaten| Chinese tofu with mushrooms, Indian curry, potato soup
|drunk| ice tea, lots of coffee, tea, vodka, coconut liqueur
|thought| i hate people who abuse animals, I want to drink a Bitburger, the world is sick.
|annoyed| the usual. the world is sick and unfair. Bayern lost the Champions League finale.
|enjoyed| warm weather, neighbor's cat, going to the movies
|bought| craft supplies, groceries
|astonished| why does it have to be so cold in American movie theaters.

Have a great week!


  1. This is the second time I've seen a mini horse in a blog post in the past week. I want to hang out with a mini horse!

  2. Haha, that's cool! I love mini horses. It is great to hang out with them. Even greater when they don't ignore you.

  3. Ich bin zwar kein Bayern Fan aber ich hab das Spiel gesehen und die Bayern haben es echt nicht verdient zu verlieren. Sie waren einfach um längen besser...schlimm. Ich hab vor einer Woche rausgefunden wie man in Deutschland ordentlich streamen kann....seit dem hab ich schon zwei Staffeln mad men durch ^^ Jede freie Minute wird genutzt ;)

    1. Ich bin auch nicht wirklich Bayern Fan, aber ich war natuerlich fuer das deutsche Team. Ausserdem kann ich Chelsea nicht leiden.
      Oh, wo geht das denn? :)

    2. Das mit dem Streamen würd' ich auch gern mal wissen! wenn Du es nicht öffentlich verraten willst: :-)

  4. Iron Man's my favorite too! And I love HIMYM and Community. I think we'd have fun watching tv together, haha!

    1. Haha, that's great! We definitely would! :))

  5. You look sad in the picture. Those mini horses seem to be very picky about who they take their food from *haha*.

    So, have you tried buttered popcorn at the movies yet? You really should.

    Have a nice week :)

    Liebe Grüße <3

    1. Yeah, I was sad because I wanted their attention and they completely ignored me! They are very picky!
      No, unfortunately I still haven't tried it yet. What a shame! I have been to the movies yesterday but wasn't hungry at all.
      Have a lovely week!

  6. I like to think there's no such thing as too much tv ;) The Avengers was soooo great! Iron Man is definitely my favorite as well. I love his personality-he cracks me up!

    1. Yeah, he is hilarious! We watched Iron Man again after we have watched Avengers.
      sand yeah, there can't be no such thing as too much TV. :)

  7. You got to hang out with a mini horse? That's pretty rad. Haha, I watch way too much TV too. It's probably the reason my eyes are so bad but I'm not willing to give it up. Nope.

    I've always wondered the same thing about the temperatures in our theaters. Even if it's hot outside I always make sure to take a sweater with me so I can at least cover my legs, which are pretty much numb from being frozen by the end of the movie lol.

    1. I love mini horses. But it seems like they don't like me that much.
      My eyes are bad too so I guess that's the reason! :)

      We went to the movies on Sunday and it was pretty warm outside but I took a sweater, warm socks and a scarf. I know, that's not normal but it was so cold inside that I was really glad about it. And I am happy that I am not the only one who feels like that!

  8. Sounds like you had an eventful weekend! And is the Avengers good? I've heard lots of good things about it.
    You're adorable, even if the horses and goats do ignore you!! :)

    1. Yeah, I liked it! Lots of action and pretty funny. But Iron Man is still my favorite.
      Usually animals like me so this was very disappointing for me.


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